A platform for providing the best offers and discounts for all services, products, and sales offers to subscribed customers. It supports all smartphones (Android, iPhone, and Huawei).
Thraa distinguishes itself by providing innovative services and features that help businesses and merchants increase sales, raise sales ratios, profits, and reach a larger customer base and target audience
Thraa App is a mobile app that was developed in collaboration with Mham International. It is a Saudi Arabia based app that allows users to find and save money on a variety of products and services. The app is available on both iOS, Android, and Huawei devices. It has 2 versions, one for end users, and one for vendors.
Development technologies:
Laravel Framework
Flutter Framework
Google Analytics
Payment API
Thraa App uses a variety of systems to provide users with a seamless experience. These systems include:
Announcements/Notifications System
Versioning System
Devices System
Data Analysis System
Blog System
Roles System
Ticketing/Customer Support System
Logging System
Linking System
Ordering System
Cart System
Points and Digital Market System
Location and Nearest Stores System
Error and Timeout Handling System
Offers System
Branches System
Employees System
To check app you can visit their website: https://thraa.app